• 30 Year Warranties
  • Reduce Your Energy Bills
  • Harvest Clean & Green Energy
  • Hassle Free Installation
  • Easy Remote Quote

About our Privacy Policy

Solar Prices is a website operated by Cofield Limited (“Company”, "us", or "we") respect your right to privacy. We look after any information which could identify you (“personal information”) carefully. We strictly comply with all UK data protection laws, and we are listed on the public register of data controllers, which is looked after by the Information Commissioner.

This Privacy Notice applies to our customers, users of our products and/or services, and to our prospective customers who have shown an interest in our products and services.

This Privacy Notice tells you who we are, how we collect, share and use your personal information, and how you can exercise your privacy rights. It applies to personal information that we use to provide you with our services or products, and personal information which we collect through our website or when you show an interest in our services. If we change the way we handle your personal information, we'll update this Privacy Notice and you'll be able to see the changes.

Please take a moment to read this Privacy Notice so that you understand how we use your personal information.

If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal information, then please contact us at [email protected]

You can also write to us at:
Privacy Team
Unit 5 Airfield Industrial Estate
Airfield Way
BH23 3PE

The data controller of your personal information is Cofield Limited, which is registered with the ICO with registration number ZA467469.

We recommend reading this Privacy Notice in full to understand how we use your personal information. Who we are and what we do We’re Solar Prices, a company based in the United Kingdom. We supply people and businesses who may be interested in renewables technology such as photovoltaic (“PV”) solar panel systems, battery storage and/or car-charging units with the details of accredited companies who will be able to provide a quotation for the products and services that they offer for you to consider.

To provide our services we are affiliated with a group of companies, including:
Telecom Plus PLC
Telecommunications Management Limited
Utilities Plus Limited
Utility Warehouse Limited
UW Home Services Limited
Glow Green Limited

We may notify you if this list of companies changes.

The type of personal information we collect

We collect your personal information when you contact us, when you use our website, when you agree to use one of our services, and as part of our ongoing provision of services. When collecting your personal information, we’ll always make clear to you which information is necessary in connection with a particular service.

We collect different types of personal information depending on our relationship with you and the services we provide to you.

Broadly, these types of personal information include:

Information about you

Your name, post code, email address, telephone number and a record of any information that we provide to you.

Financial information

We will never ask you for any financial information.

Information on your requirements

In order to provide you with the details of an appropriate company we will ask you for some basic information about your property and residential status.

Marketing and communications information

We may record your marketing preferences and whether you want to hear from us or third parties we work with;

Technical information

IP address, device type, unique device identification numbers, browser-type, broad geographic location (e.g. country or city-level location) and other technical information. We also track how your device has interacted with our website by using cookies – see Section "Cookies and other similar tracking technology" for more information.

Service Communications

Content of your communications with us, including emails, letters, webchats and phone calls if appropriate.

Sensitive information

Our services do not typically require us to ask for any sensitive personal information from you. You may choose to provide this voluntarily, or we may, in rare circumstances, need to collect it from you. Where we do need to collect this information, we will obtain your consent or let you know our legal grounds for doing so, at the point when we ask you to provide this information.

Sensitive personal information includes:

  • Health-related information;
  • Information about your race or ethnicity;
  • Vulnerability information, for example if you have a health condition or disability;
  • Information related to criminal convictions, if you apply for our insurance products.

Data received from third parties

Sometimes we will collect personal information from third parties. We use this information to provide you with our services and products, and as otherwise necessary to run our business. This can include:

  • Verifying your creditworthiness with a credit reference agency;
  • Validating and verifying your bank account details;
  • Checking the land registry to find out who is responsible for the energy bill at a property;
  • When you’ve given a third-party permission to share with us the information they hold about you. For example, your previous telephone, broadband, mobile or energy supplier;
  • Information our suppliers provide us about the product or service you have purchased;
  • When you move into a property supplied by us, the landlord or previous occupiers may provide us with your name;
  • Relevant information about you from third party data and insight providers to help us operate our business and provide you with our products and services.

Why do we process this personal information?

Most commonly, we process your personal information for one of the following reasons:

To fulfil the contract between us

We need to process your personal information to provide our service to you. For example, to provide you with details of an accredited installer appropriate to your requirements. Without your personal information, we would be unable to provide you with these details.

For legitimate business interests

Sometimes, we need to process your personal information for a legitimate business interest. For example, to run our business and to provide the best possible service to you.

To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations

We must comply with the relevant legal and regulatory bodies, including The Information Commissioner's Office, The Advertising Standards Authority.

You have provided your consent

In specific situations, we may ask for your consent before we collect and process your information. When we ask for consent to process your information, we'll let you know why we want your information, what we will do with it and how you can withdraw consent. Who we share your personal information with We may disclose your personal information to the following categories of recipients: Our group companies; (includes any company listed at the top of this page) to make sure our customers are receiving a consistent service from us and our business operates efficiently; Third-party providers who help us provide our services to you or who process your personal information for the reasons above and based on our instructions. We have measures in place to make sure they keep your personal information protected. Law enforcement bodies, regulators, government agencies, and courts where we believe disclosure is necessary as a matter of law or regulation, to exercise, establish or defend our legal rights, or to protect your vital interests or those of any other person; Potential buyers (and their agents and advisers) in connection with any proposed purchase, merger or acquisition of any part of our business, provided that we inform the buyer it must use your personal information only for the purposes disclosed in this Privacy Notice; To any other person with your consent.

Who we share your personal information with

We may disclose your personal information to the following categories of recipients:

  • Our group companies; (includes any company listed at the top of this page) to make sure our customers are receiving a consistent service from us and our business operates efficiently;
  • Third-party providers who help us provide our services to you or who process your personal information for the reasons above and based on our instructions. We have measures in place to make sure they keep your personal information protected.
  • Law enforcement bodies, regulators, government agencies, and courts where we believe disclosure is necessary as a matter of law or regulation, to exercise, establish or defend our legal rights, or to protect your vital interests or those of any other person;
  • Potential buyers (and their agents and advisers) in connection with any proposed purchase, merger or acquisition of any part of our business, provided that we inform the buyer it must use your personal information only for the purposes disclosed in this Privacy Notice;
  • To any other person with your consent.

Transferring your information outside the EU

Our website servers areUK based and we do not routinely transfer personal information outside of the European union or the European Economic Area. However, some aspects of our services may be administered outside these areas

In those circumstances, we may transfer your personal information to organisations who operate outside the EU, including in countries which do not have the same data protection standards as the UK. We have taken appropriate measures to ensure that your personal information will still be protected in accordance with this Privacy Notice. Further details can be provided upon request.

How we keep your information secure

We use technical and organisational measures to protect your personal information. These measures provide a level of security appropriate to the risk of processing your personal information.

We may check your identity when you get in touch with us, and we follow our security procedures and apply suitable technical measures, such as encryption, to protect your information.

Specific measures we use include:

  • Implementing secure design principles within our information technology infrastructure;
  • Adopting security safeguards against attacks;
  • Adhering to security policies and training staff to enforce controls and procedures in line with data protection law and other industry-specific compliance requirements.

How long we keep your personal information for

We keep your personal information for as long as necessary for the reason we collected it. In most cases, this means we will keep your personal information when you have used our services, and for seven years after. Sometimes we may retain it for longer if we are required to by law.

At the end of this period, your data will be deleted, destroyed or anonymised. We may aggregate anonymised data for statistical analysis and business planning.

Cookies and other similar tracking technology

Cookies are pieces of information sent to and from web pages. They can be used to identify when you have visited a website and how you interacted with it.

We use cookies and other similar tracking technology to improve our website. For further information about the types of cookies we use, why, and how you can control cookies, please see our Cookies Policy.

Links from our website to other websites

Please be aware that our site may provide links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content, security, or data processing policy of these websites.

Your privacy rights

You have various privacy rights in relation to your personal information:

  • Accessing your personal information You can request a copy of your personal information at any time;
  • Correcting your personal information You can ask us to correct the personal information we hold on you if it is incorrect;
  • Erasing your personal information You can ask us to delete your personal information in certain circumstances;
  • Objecting to or restricting processing of your personal information You can object to our processing of your personal information in certain circumstances;
  • Transferring your personal information You can ask us to transfer your personal information to you or a third party;
  • Withdrawing your consent to processing You can withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal information, however this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing conducted prior to your withdrawal;
  • Complaining to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) You can complain about our collection and use of your personal information by contacting the ICO.

We respond to all requests from individuals wishing to exercise their data protection rights in accordance with data protection law. We will try to respond to your request within one month; however, if it is complex or you make several requests, we may extend our time to respond. If we do, we will inform you.

You are able to exercise your rights free of charge, however if you make unfounded, repetitive or excessive requests, we may charge a fee or refuse to carry out your requests.

Updates to our Privacy Notice

From time to time, we may update our Privacy Notice in response to legal, technical or business developments. We will take appropriate measures to inform you of any updates, in line with the significance of any changes. If necessary, we will obtain your consent to any material Privacy Notice changes.

You can see when this Privacy Notice was last updated by checking the last updated date, displayed at the top of this page.